The deaths of both James Burton, founder of the town, and of his wife are recorded in this post.
7 June 1836, Morning Herald
Livery and posting stables at St Leonards on Sea. To be let for 3, 5 or 7 years, standings for 90 horses… Apply to Mr Kaye, St Leonards on Sea.
22 Sept 1836, Brighton Gazette
A few days since as a boy was driving a cart round the open space at St Leonards, near the Horse and Groom, the horse took fright, and ran over the precipice in front. The boy seeing his danger jumped out of the cart; but the horse and cart went over, and came down through into a building used as a scullery, without doing much mischief, except bruising the horse.
19 January 1837, Brighton Gazette
HASTINGS. We regret to say that a temporary gloom has been thrown over the gaieties of this town and neighbourhood by the death of Mrs Burton, of St Leonards. This amiable and respected lady died on Saturday evening, after a short illness (Buried at St Leonards, 20 January, of St Leonards, aged 76).
31 March 1837
The death of James Burton, founder of St Leonards on Sea. His Canterbury will says he was of St Leonards on Sea, Esquire, and is five pages long. It is dated 17 March 1837. Witnessed by John Harwood MD, St Leonards, James Kaye, St Leonards, Henry Edlin, St Leonards. Proven 20 May 1837 by Alfred Burton Esquire the son. Renounced by other sons William Ford Burton, James Burton, Septimus Burton and Decimus Burton (i.e. they renounced the role of executors).
6 April 1837, Brighton Gazette
[Bench]. JOHN PIPER, charged with stealing 18 cigars, the property of Mr W. Lempriere, grocer, at St Leonards, was found guilty — Sentenced to two months imprisonment.ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA. It is with deep regret that we announce the death of James Burton, Esq., the founder of this place. He died on the 31st March, after a protracted illness of three months. We are sorry the intelligence of his loss has been so late, as to prevent us this week from paying that tribute of respect to his memory which it so well deserves.
13 April 1837, Brighton Gazette
ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA. The funeral of James Burton, Esq, the founder of St Leonards, took place on Saturday morning, when the bell commenced tolling at six o’clock, and continued until the interment, at nine. The bearers, 24 in number, were shopkeepers and tradesmen, who had been employed by the deceased, and who voluntarily offered this last tribute of respect to their deceased benefactor. The Royal Hotel and all the shops in the town were closed; and there was scarcely a person who did not attend the funeral. We subjoin a description of the procession:
Children belonging to the National School, founded by Mr Burton.
The Rev. Mr Green, Dr J. Harwood, Rev. Mr Greenlaw.
Pall bearers Mr C. Deudney, Mr H. Edlin, Mr Southall, Mr Lansdown.
Pall bearers Mr R. Deudney, Mr Thos. Brown, Mr Murton, Mr C.A. Pettitt.
SONS. – W.F. Burton, Esq., Dr H. Burton, Decimus Burton, Esq., Jas. Burton, Esq., Septimus Burton, Esq., Alfred Burton, Esq.
SONS-IN-LAW. — — Hopkinson, Esq., G.H. Greenough, Esq., Thos. Wood, Esq., — Fearon, Esq.
FRIENDS OF THE DECEASED. – Rev. Mr Allcock, Rev. Mr Rush, A.S. Graeme, Esq., Admiral Carpenter, Col. Gant, — Bray, Esq., Mr B.P. Smith, surgeon, Mr Kaye, Mr Turnor, J. Richardson, Esq., Rev. Mr Stonestreet, Hesketh Fleetwood, Esq., M.P., H. Dowdeswell, Esq., M.P., Hugh Brown, Esq., Major Jeffries, Mr Painter, Mr Savory, surgeon, John Woodgate, Esq., Mr G. Robson, Mr Shepherd.
Upwards of 80 gentlemen attended the procession to pay their last respects to the late Mr Burton, with the principal builders, Messsrs. Homan and Scott, and others who had been employed by Mr Burton in erecting the town of St Leonards.