Author Archives: Stephen van Dulken

Travelling from afar to beg in St Leonards on Sea, 1880

By chance I came across, in the Hastings and St Leonards Times, 22 May 1880, two interesting reports of begging in St Leonards by men who had come a considerable distance. The details given about the prisoners are touching. HASTINGS BOROUGH BENCH. SATURDAY. Before Mr H.C. CAULFEILD and Mr Alderman WILLIAMS. BEGGING ALMS William Cooper, […]

The British Schools, St Leonards on Sea

The title of this posting is that of an illustration in the Illustrated London News, 30 January 1869, page 113. It accompanies an article titled ‘St Leonard’s British and Infant Schools.’ Below is the image. I was aware of the former building’s site opposite Christ Church, but not of its appearance or other details. The […]

St Leonards in the newspapers, 1834-35

2 June 1834, Sussex Advertiser On Thursday morning, the Bishop [of Chichester] consecrated St Leonard’s Church, before several of the clergy, and a respectable assemblage of individuals, according to the usual forms and ceremonies of consecrations [The day before he had carried out confirmations at St Clement’s in Hastings]. 16 June 1834, Sussex Advertiser SEA […]

A fire at Marina, St Leonards in 1863

The following account is from the Brighton Gazette, 19 February 1863.  On Sunday morning a fire occurred in this town, and although, fortunately, unattended with no loss of life or personal injury, it resulted in considerable destruction of property, and but for the energy displayed in extinguishing it, would doubtless have been of a far […]

The Lawn, St Leonards in World War II

Volunteers at the Hastings Museum and Art Gallery are transcribing details of typed reports about damage suffered in raids in World War II onto a spreadsheet. The reports consist of lists by street of houses damaged in each raid. I am one of those volunteers. The information is intriguing, partly because of the details of […]